PCPACK6 Publisher Tool

The Publisher Tool is used to create websites based on the information captured using the other tools.

As such, it allows the contents of the knowledgebase to be displayed in a user-specified way in a form that can be viewed without the requirement for PCPACK tools to be open or available.

The knowledgebase contents when published can be sent to other people and viewed by them without the need for PCPACK.

The websites created can be internet sites, corporate intranet sites or can just be a folder on your computer where you view the contents locally using Internet Explorer or your favourite browser.

A set of files called the 'publication format' is used to define the style, structure and content of the website when it is published. These files can be edited using html editors or simple text editors (such as Notepad) by any user competent in website development.

Published websites will usually make use of the annotation pages created in the Annotation Tool. Alternatively, XSLT stylesheets can be used to display the contents of the XML knowledge model in any user-defined way. 

Basic Features

  • Creates websites at the 'press of a button'
  • All hyperlinks in annotation pages are maintained when published
  • Websites are viewed using normal browsers (i.e. do not require PCPACK)
  • The style, structure and content of the website can be customised
  • Automatic insertion of search and other navigation methods
  • Can make use of SVG diagrams or browser view for navigation
  • Includes standard publication formats

User Interface

The user interface of the Publisher Tool is explained in the following figure.

Example of a Published Web

Here is an example of a published website.

Other PCPACK tools:

Go to: Protocol Tool
Go to: Ladder Tool
Go to: Diagram Tool
Go to: Matrix Tool
Go to: Annotation Tool
Go to: Admin Tool
Go to: Diagram Template Tool
Go to: Equation Editor Tool
Go to: Launcher Wizard Tool