PCPACK6 Annotation Tool

The Admin Tool provides PCPACK with the functionality for network operation. Hence, it allows knowledgebases to be stored and accessed by multiple users over a network.

The Admin Tool is used to:

  • Define the people who can use PCPACK5 and their roles
  • Control the login details of users
  • Create and delete knowledgebases
  • Define the access rights of each user/role to a knowledgebase
  • Create new versions of a knowledgebase
  • Backup, restore, archive and unarchive knowledgebases
  • Check-out and check-in knowledgebases
  • View published webs
  • Open and close knowledgebases
  • Launch PCPACK5 tools
  • Display reports of knowledgebase usage, roles and users

Admin Tool Icons

Various icon symbols are used in the Admin Tool to indicate the status and location of folders, knowledgebases, webs and ontologies. The following table describes the meaning of these icons.

This is a folder that contains one or more versions of a knowledgebase.
This icon is double-clicked to view the contents of the folder.

This is a knowledgebase that is on the network and is available for opening.
This icon is double-clicked to open a knowledgebase.

This indicates that you have opened a knowledgebase that is located on the network.

This network knowledgebase has been opened or checked-out by another user.
It can be opened by you for reading.

This indicates that you are reading (and not editing) a knowledgebase that is located on the network.

This knowledgebase has been checked-out (i.e. is on the local PC) and is available for opening.

This indicates that you have opened a checked-out knowledgebase.

This indicates that you have checked-out this knowledgebase and it is read only.

This indicates that you are reading (and not editing) a checked-out knowledgebase.

This knowledgebase has been archived, hence cannot be opened unless it is unarchived by a Tool Administrator.

This knowledgebase has a status that is undefined due to an error.

This is a folder that contains one or more published webs.
This icon is double-clicked to view the contents of the folder.

This is a published web. This icon is double-clicked to view the web.

This is a folder that contains ontology templates.
This is only available to Tool Administrators.

This is an ontology template. This is only available to Tool Administrators.

Other PCPACK tools:

Go to: Protocol Tool
Go to: Ladder Tool
Go to: Diagram Tool
Go to: Matrix Tool
Go to: Annotation Tool
Go to: Publisher Tool
Go to: Diagram Template Tool
Go to: Equation Editor Tool
Go to: Launcher Wizard Tool